Michael P. Goodman MD, FACOG, IF, AAACS
Michael Goodman MD has been practicing women’s healthcare since finishing his OB/GYN residency at Stanford University in 1972. Following a transition from his full-time OB practice in 1988, he began devoting his career to Women’s Integrative Health and emerged as a pioneer in the development and advancement of Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery.
Since 1998, Dr. Goodman has focused primarily on menopausal and sexual medicine and Female Genital Plastic/Cosmetic Surgery. He specialized in difficult gynecologic issues, peri-menopausal medicine, lifestyle enhancement, facial aesthetics, sexuality issues, bone densitometry, pelvic ultrasound, labiaplasty and other vulvovaginal aesthetic surgeries. Since 2000 Dr. Goodman has performed > 1000 genital plastic/cosmetic procedures, among the most of any surgeon in the world. In 2013 Dr. Goodman was elected to be a “Fellow” of the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health (IF). He has been active in educating and training, on the Scientific Committee of the Annual International Society of Cosmetogynecologists (ISCG) meetings
Dr. Goodman was among the first members of the North American Menopause Society and is involved in its Consumer Education Committee
As a well-known expert in his field, Dr. Goodman has been a guest at numerous seminars and symposiums nation-wide and has made appearances on area network TV and talk radio. He has many citations in peer-reviewed literature in Hormone therapy, endoscopic surgery, and especially in the field of genital plastic/cosmetic surgery In 2020 he retired from clinical practice of Gynecology and Menopausal and Sexual Medicine, devoting his attention to his genital plastics practice and teaching. Dr. Goodman serves as a frequent peer-reviewer for the Journal of Sexual Medicine, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, and the Aesthetic Surgery Journal, and is an ad hoc reviewer for several additional medical journals
A critically-acclaimed author, Dr. Goodman has published two consumer-oriented books on menopause: “The Midlife Bible—A Woman’s Survival Guide” and “MEN-opause: The Book for Men.” His new book, “You Want to do WHAT? Where? A Guide to Women’s Genital Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery” is available as an e-Book on Amazon, He is the Executive Editor and author of several chapters of the Wiley-Blackwelll Medical Textbook, “Female Genital Plastic/Aesthetic Surgery” released in 2016. Dr. Goodman was invited to write the chapters on “Revision Labiaplasty” and “Complication Avoidance” for the new 3rd Edition of Nahai et al’s classic Plastic Surgery textbook, “The Art of Aesthetic Surgery: Principals and Practices”
Dr. G is an educator. He has been a Clinical Instructor at U-C San Francisco and U-C Davis, as well as an Assistant Clinical Professor at California Northstate University School of Medicine since 2015. Since 2010 he has trained surgeons in his techniques via both formal in-office mini-Fellowship training programs, and through his traiing entity, “The Labiaplasty and Vaginoplasty Training Institute of America, Inc. ™
Dr. Goodman has practiced in the University community of Davis, CA (between Sacramento and the San Francisco Bay area) since 2000. Dr. Goodman lives on 5 acres of ridgetop outside of Winters, CA, and enjoys writing, gardening, tennis and fitness as well as spending time with his four children, Gabriele, Lauren David, Caleb, and Sam.

Dr. Goodman and friends from 4 continents, including Dr. Charles Runels, inventor of the “O-Shot(tm)”
Learn More About Dr. Goodman:
- Click HERE to learn more about Dr. Goodman’s professional accomplishments.
- Click here to learn more about Dr. Goodman’s numerous awards and accomplishments